
Archive for March, 2011

Waiting for pickup!

March 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Immy was in quite a cheery mood today at pickup time……

Gavin’s Wednesday

March 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Them bones, them bones, them dry bones! We are having a great time this week learning about how important it is to eat a variety of food from each food group.

Remember that tomorrow is Thursday and we have Show and Tell. please make sure that your child has something to bring for sharing!  Thanks!  We have included our schedule for this:























Circle Time: Jobs: Line leader- Kassidy, Door holder- Gavin, Snack helpers- Selin, Justin, Emmett, Calendar helper- Lea, Clipboard holder- Christian, Lunch helpers- Jeremy, William and Anika, Weather reporter- Nisha, Bag holder- Vedant, Light helpers were Irving and Jane!

Language Works: Today we read The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza. This is a great story retold to modern days, The hen tries many times to get the help of her friend to help her make a pizza. In the end they eat and help her clean up! This was a great opportunity to discuss pitching in to help others and how many hands make light the work. Taryn introduced our next letter, U. It was great fun as TWO children in our class have one in their first name! We will be working on the letter T for the rest of the week, but got a leg up today!

Well Aware: One of my favorite shows growing up was School House Rocks! It was a Saturday morning educational commercial. We had the opportunity to watch one of my favorites today..Them Dry Bones. We learned about our bones and how they are connected in our bodies. As it was a short segment and everyone wanted to see it again, we viewed it twice!

Math Counts: Did happen to really look at today’s menu? Did you notice that every meal and snack has a fruit? In conjunction with our food groups study, we are charting our fruit and vegetable intake today. Using marker colors that match the fruit or vegetable we consumed, the children either drew the food or some representation of it. Before lunch we discussed what was on the menu and how we need to eat 5 servings of the anytime foods everyday to keep our bodies healthy. (Everyone had at least two servings of Green Beans at lunch!!) Yumm..


March 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Vodpod videos no longer available.

To the Potty

March 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Vodpod videos no longer available.

To the Potty, posted with vodpod

the Good Ole Hockey Game

March 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Gavin at L’il Thumpers

March 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Some pics……..

March 30, 2011 Leave a comment

DSC_0703Long overdue, but with dad in Vegas for an event, its been a little hectic around here…..



Gavin started Soccer, and the league is called L’il Thumpers.  He LOVES it


Gain’s Tuesday

March 16, 2011 Leave a comment

Good Afternoon everyone!  We are having such a great day today.  We can’t believe we are half way through March already but are so happy that SPRING is almost here!  Here’s what we’ve been up to today…..

Early Morning:  Holy cow. What a busy morning!! It didn’t take much time for anything over 6 inches to be turned into a baseball bat or a hockey stick, or anything hand held and circular to be turned into a baseball or hockey puck. The kids had a blast throwing and rolling the O balls around the room and spent tons of time cooking in the kitchen area and pretending to feed anything with a mouth. Building with the wooden blocks was popular this morning too =]
Large Motor: The kids took their time devouring the yogurt and granola for snack this morning, so we were in a time crunch with music class at 10:30. Solution? Run laps around the classroom, throw O balls around, build big towers and knock them over, clean them up, repeat process. Oh, and crank some Raffi and shake our sillies out. All that on top of music class seemed to do the job as all the kids went down really easy for nap today.  We will venture outside rain or shine this afternoon and continue our quest for green things, climbing, and chasing each other around. We may attempt flying the kite again if it’s windy enough too! 
Circle Time: We sang about putting the toys away so it actually happened, then sang about finding a spot for our tushies, then signed "The More We Get Together" as everybody got situated. We sang "Days of the Week" and I tried counting the 15 days of March in Spanish, but the kids looked at me like I had officially lost it, so we counted in English instead. We decided that today was a cloudy day, then we read "Go Away Big Green Monster!" and "Green Eggs and Ham." The kids really enjoyed getting to yell "Go away" at the monster and telling Sam that they do not like green eggs and ham.
Art Smart!: After nap the kids had the opportunity to create their own by sponge painting some coffee filters green. Once they dry, we’ll pinch them together to make a shamrock then plant them in cups with green pipe cleaners and brown tissue paper for dirt.
Hope everybody is accomplishing whatever needs to be done today so you can relax later.

Much Love,
❤ Lauren & Debbie

Gavin’s Wednesday

March 16, 2011 Leave a comment

Hello Everybody!!
It’s been yet another busy day in the classroom. Here’s what we did today!:
Morning: The kids were really mellow this morning. Coloring St. Patrick’s Day themed pictures with the markers, the squishy frogs, the stacking cups, legos, puzzles and making lattes and cappuccinos with the coffee machine were the popular activities.  If only the cappuccinos were real…
Outside: The first instruction the kids were given was to go stand in the sunshine and soak up some vitamin D!! We all did a happy dance for the sun, then we began our usual outdoor activities. We practiced our soccer skills by using only our feet to touch the bouncy balls, we played chase and peek a boo, we climbed up on the playground and jumped off either by ourselves or to a teacher. We also looked for bugs and actually found some flies. We explored the marble maze, and made music with the xylophone. The kids were really into pretending they were leaving Lauren and I too. I think it’s just because we’re really good at fake crying though =]
Circle Time: As we came inside and the kids were taking their coats off we played a video of an Irish step dancing performance. The kids were totally entranced! We asked them to try moving their feet as fast as the dancers and they totally went to town! Then we cranked some traditional Irish dancing music and had our own step dancing party. The kids loved it! Once the song was over we found a spot to sit and sang our usual songs. We talked about the day of the week and did a happy dance for the sunny weather. Then we read the first half of "A Fine St. Patrick’s Day." It’s a long story and lunch arrived, so we’ll probably finish it this afternoon or tomorrow.
Art Smart!: After nap the kids had the opportunity to use green and orange paint to paint their paper. We switched things up a bit by having the kids put tape all over their papers then encouraging them to peel the tape off when they were done painting. Picking the tape off the table is a fantastic way to encourage pincher grips! They loved getting to peel the tape off and checking out the patterns on their papers afterwards.
Ok, kids are wakin’ up. Gotta go! We will see you all later!!

❤ Lauren & Debbie

Gavin’s Monday

March 14, 2011 Leave a comment

It’s been a pretty quiet start to the week, and trust me, we’re not complaining about that at all =]  This week in class we’ll be talking more about luck, as well as St. Patricks Day and Green! Here’s the trouble we got ourselves into today:

Morning: As the kids entered the classroom they were offered an activity of their choice. This morning the kitchen area was very popular. We also took out the pegs and the bright builders. The kids had a blast trying to build the tallest towers ever and matching the pegs to the holes at a 1:1 ratio then pretending it was a birthday cake!  Everybody’s eyes got wide as Lauren walked in holding bags full of gadgets, green things, and some new puzzles for the kids. Naturally, those activities were very popular this morning too =)
Outside: We noticed that it was raining during snack time, but we agreed to venture outside anyway since it wasn’t that bad out. The kids had lots of fun chasing each other around playground, exploring the puddles, kicking and throwing the bouncy balls around, and climbing on whatever they could climb onto then jump off of. We made it about 20 minutes before it started pouring down rain on us, so we came back inside, ditched our wet jackets and did some yoga. We also turned on some of the new favorite songs and danced.
Circle Time: We came together with the "Grab A Seat" song and signing "The More We Get Together." After that some of the kids were still pretty squirmy so we sang "Shake your Sillies Out" and did precisely that. Then we sang our usual songs to discuss the day of the week, the month, the season (Spring is so close!) and the weather. Then we talked more about the upcoming Holiday and our theme for the week. After that Ms. Lauren had an activity for the kids to help with. There were a bunch of pictures in a bag and each of the kids got to have a few turns picking a picture out of the bag and placing in either the "Green" or "Not Green" section. Naturally the kids did fantastic =]. They loved figuring out what all the pictures were too.
Art Smart!: After nap the kids had the opportunity to paint with sparkle paint and green. We also threw in some pre-reading/writing skills and had the kids pick out their names and glue their green letters onto their paper.  
Hope everybody is have an easy transition into yet another week. We will see you all later!

Much Love,

Debbie & Lauren

Recent Pics

March 12, 2011 Leave a comment

Just chucking up some photos.


Gavin’s Friday

March 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Happy Friday!!!
Morning: As the kids entered the room they were offered their choice of an activity. This morning reading books with Ms. Theresa was quite popular. We also worked on our pre-math skills by sorting the foam shapes. The kids were eager to help clean out the sensory table and fill it with Lucky Charms too. The kids had a blast picking out all the different lucky charms, asking questions about them, collecting them, and scooping them up in the measuring cups.
Outside: Before heading outside this morning we talked about different things that are green. So once we got outside, we looked for anything the same color as a shamrock. The kids pointed at the playground structure, the trees, the grass, even the little flecks of green in the squishy ground. They were so into it! We also worked on our soccer skills and using our feet instead of our hands to move the ball around. The kids had a blast with the bouncy hops and worked on taking turns with that as well as taking turns with jumping off the playground. We have quite a few dare-devils in here! Thankfully, they’re all pretty good at landing on their feet!
Circle Time: We sang "The More We Get Together" as everybody found a spot for their bums. We sang the usual songs to discuss the day and the weather. We did a happy dance for Friday too =). Then we sang a few different versions of "I’m a little Leprechaun" and the Shamrock song and read a bit more into "Lucky." 
Art/Fine Motor: After nap the kids had the opportunity to use crayons to color in a picture of clovers or a leprechaun. We used green and orange because those are Irish colors and encouraged the kids to color inside the lines. 
Have a fantastic weekend everybody!
Much Love,
❤ Lauren & Debbie

Gavin’s Thursday

March 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Hello Two’s 4 parents!  The week is winding down.  We’ve really enjoyed our week and hope all you have as well.  Here’s what we did today…..

Morning: The kids ate a nice breakfast of rice crispies and orange slices and then went right into free choice time.  Some kids built with blocks, others in the kitchen area, and a big hit was the Barrel of Monkeys!  We really like linking them all together and wearing them as "earrings".  It was a very busy morning!!

Outside:  It was a VERY typical Seattle day today.  It was first sunny, so we got our jackets on went outside.  Then, it got really windy and started to rain!!  Before we could even all get gathered by the door to go back into the classroom it stopped and out came the sun again!  But 5 minutes later we were back to rain and wind and yet then back to sun right after that!!  MAKE UP YOUR MIND MOTHER NATURE!  :)  Despite the changes in weather, we played some soccer, bounced on the hippity hop, and threw leaves up into the air and watched how far the wind took them! 

Circle Time:  We all grabbed a seat and talked about the importance of taking care of and respecting BOOKS!  We’ve had a lot of book abuse cases recently and a a few of our books are done for so today we talked about books are not for stepping on, tearing, throwing or even eating but only for READING!  :)  Then we sang "Day’s of the Week" and "What’s the (crazy) Weather??" We also sang the Leprechaun song and talked about lucky charms and why people might keep a lucky charm.

Art: After nap the kids had the opportunity to decorate their own lucky charm with glitter, tissue paper, and other random odds and ends. We used Elmers glue to attach everything to our papers, so be prepared for glue covered kids upon pick up today =]
Hope everybody’s day is going well! We will see you this afternoon!
❤ Lauren & Debbie

Gavin’s Wednesday

March 10, 2011 Leave a comment

Hello Everybody!!

The day picked up quick after breakfast. The whole class was here by 9:30! This morning the kids spent lots of time exploring everything they could get their hands on.The nuts and bolts manipulative, baby dolls, cooking in the kitchen area and flipping through books from the shelf were popular activities. There was also much hugging and cuddling of the teachers. Which we love.
As we sat down for snack we noticed the monsoon-like rain dripping on the windows. We tried waiting it out, but no such luck. So we resorted to other large motor activities and decided to TP the classroom!! The kids had a blast unrolling the toilet paper and dragging it around the room. We waved it like ribbon wands, kicked it, threw it, rolled it up in to balls, walked on it, collected it. Who knew toilet paper could be so much fun?! We turned up some techno music and had the kids dance like rock stars and wave the TP all over. It was a blast. And a work out!
We all came together for circle time with “The More We Get Together” then everybody jumped ahead of the game and hollered that it was a rainy day. After that we talked about the day and month and counted the days we’ve had so far. Then we talked about how rainbows are said to bring good luck if you see one and read “What makes Music” because there’s a rainbow in the book. We also sang “I’m a little Shamrock!” and listened to “Rainbow Connection” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”
After nap the kids were given red, yellow, and blue paint to make their own rainbows with. We encouraged the kids to carefully mix the primary colors in order to make the secondary colors to complete their rainbows.  =)
We will see you all this afternoon!
❤ Debbie & Lauren

Gavin’s Tuesday

March 8, 2011 Leave a comment

Happy Tuesday Parents!  We are in full swing in the classroom and everyone is finding their groove.  Here’s what we’re doing today…

Morning:  Everyone came in a settled into activities.  Kids were offered scrambled eggs and English muffins for breakfast.  Then our little "bumble bee’s" were buzzing about the classroom just busy, busy, busy!!  We played with connectors, some kids looked at books, and even whipped up a "breakfast" of our own in the kitchen area.  All in all, a great morning was had by all!

Music/Movement:  Since today is our music day we didn’t go outside this morning but we still got our wiggles out and even did some tumbling and tickling to get the giggles out.  Then it was off to music!! We had kind of a country theme as we sang about different farm animals (minus the fish that kissed) and vegetables. We all got to ribbon dance to a different "Ants in your Pants" song and play a wash board and spoons! Lucy got to spend one on one time with Lauren and played in the sensory table using the baster to suck up water and squeeze it out.  Oh, and for the record, we definitely plan on going outside this afternoon =]

Circle Time:  We sat down by singing our favorite Raffi hit, "The More We Get Together" and went over the day of the week and that it was another grey day.  St. Patrick’s Day is approaching so we are using this week to learn about Luck!  We talked about how luck brings good things our way and that we are lucky to have a house, mommies and daddies, jackets, and even our shoes!  We also read a story about a Crane named "Luck"!

Art: Since we’ve been talking about luck we thought it’d be appropriate to paint a shamrock! We talked about the difference between a shamrock (four leaves) and a clover (three leaves) and used paint scrapers to push the paint around their papers. 
We will see you all this afternoon! Hope the day is going well =]

Much Love,
Lauren & Debbie

Gavin’s Thursday

March 3, 2011 Leave a comment

Hello Everybody!!
Morning: It’s been yet another busy day in the classroom, but so far so good! We spent the morning munching on cheerios for breakfast and talking about what we did last night. Once everybody finished breakfast I put the plastic people and the "mini motors" out for sorting and describing. For a good half hour the whole class was circled around the table just talking about the different occupations of the people and what they’re wearing or doing. We had to distract from the fireman because for some reason he’s the most popular. We also worked on our pre math skills by sorting the mini motors by what they were and the different colors.
Large Motor/Outdoor Play:We went outside after deciding that it wasn’t raining and we could handle the wet playground. We explored the puddles by jumping in them and over them and throwing pebbles, leafs, and twigs into them too. The kids took turns opening and closing Laurens umbrella and had fun just carrying it around. We took out the bikes and encouraged the kids to go around their friends and use their pedals. The kids had a blast chasing the soccer balls around the playground. We worked on using our feet to kick instead of our hands, but naturally there was practice throwing and bouncing the balls too. Everybody was pretty fascinated by this helicopter that was hovering close by, then started circling in the sky. We all watched it and took guesses on what it was doing until it was time to go inside. If anybody has any idea on why there was a Helicopter circling around 520/148th, we’d love to know!
Circle Time: Upon coming back into the classroom we listened to the calming sounds of a rain storm. It kept all 12 kids surprisingly quiet… It was really nice! We all came together singing the Grab a Seat song, then we sang "Who is Here Today?" and everybody was pretty stoked to hear their name and have everybody clap for them. Then we sang our usual songs to discuss the day and the weather. After that we looked at some pretty awesome pictures of lightening and read "Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll!!" The kids were thrilled to pretend to be thunder, and were totally fascinated by how a storm comes to be. Especially the rainbow at the end part.
Art/Sensory Exploration: After nap we took all our quiet activities to the floor! We moved the tables out of the way and taped butcher paper to the ground and gave the kids crayons and markers to color while laying on their tummies. We also took out some of the floor puzzles and let the kids pick a pillow to lay on while reading books. Why? Because studies show that children that spend more time on their bellies have increased brain activity and an easier time potty training and learning in the future. So we’re going to test this theory out and spend more time creeping and crawling across the floor to see what happens.
Also, we’ve posted the monthly newsletter for March out on bulletin board. Let us know if you would like us to print copies for you! 
Hope everybody is having a fantastic day! We will see you all later =]
Much Love,
❤ Debbie & Lauren

Pizza Night

March 2, 2011 Leave a comment

So its Wednesday and that means Pizza night. Gav had his little pizza shop station setup, and made some pies.  Good times.  Today’s quote from daycare.  Debbie heard a huge noise, and turned around and asked Gavin what it was, he proudly stated, ‘that was my BIG FART’.


Oh and we made Waffles on the weekend, Gavin’s idea. 


And for some reason Friday was Hockey Night in Norway Knoll.  Gav wanted to put on the jerseys and play street hockey!


Gavin’s Wednesday….

March 2, 2011 Leave a comment

It’s been another busy day in the classroom! This morning the kids were very concerned about the rain and clouds moving outside. We spent lots of time watching the weather and talking about what we saw. We also took out the legos, the animals, puzzles, and cooked in the kitchen area. For some reason cooking soup was very popular this morning! Some of the kids requested that we read the books off the shelf too. 
After finishing morning snack we ventured outside to watch the clouds, jump in and over the puddles, and explore the rain drops and puddles on the playground. We also took out Laurens umbrella and had the kids practice opening and closing it. They had a blast taking turns and hiding under it together! We got to talk about holding it super tight while the wind was blowing too. We also took out the bikes and worked on using the pedals with those and played kicked the balls around the playground. While we were outside we got to watch the dark clouds roll in, as we talked about them being rain clouds, it started to raining cats and dogs! So we all had to run inside to avoid getting any wetter than we already were =]
Upon coming into the classroom everybody wanted to watch the rain outside, so we watched the stormy weather. Then we listened to thunder and lightening again. Everybody always said "More!! Again!!" after the big thunder crash. Such brave kids =].  We sang our usual songs to bring everybody together, then sang "Days of the Week" and "Whats the weather." We counted the two days of March and decided it was Wednesday, then everybody started hollering about the crazy weather we had this morning. We saw rain, sun, and lots of different clouds… We must be in Seattle or something! We also read "Wet or Dry" and talked about the two opposites and "The Yellow Umbrella."
After nap the kids had the opportunity to help us paint a big umbrella! We had spoken briefly about the rainbow after a storm, so we decided to use all the colors of the rainbow to paint our umbrella.
I’m sure all of you saw the message about the lice in the toddler and preschool unit this morning, so I’d like to mention that everybody (teachers included!) was checked for head lice, just in case today. I’m happy to say that we’re all clear =]  Thank goodness!! I bagged everything in the room and ran it through the laundry yesterday though. Better safe than sorry, right? 
We will see you all this afternoon! Have a fabulous day!
❤ Debbie & Lauren

Gavin’s Wednesday

March 1, 2011 Leave a comment

Hey Everybody!! 
What a busy day! The classroom looked like a crime scene by 8:50 this morning thanks to all the kids running around with strawberry sauce on their hands and faces. A few of the kids spent lots of time working on wiping their faces clean! Once cleaned up the kids went for puzzles, baby dolls, cooking in the kitchen area, cars and trucks, the dress up hats and the legos. Then we cleaned everything up for snack only to have 11 two year olds running around covered in blueberry juice. They went from looking like little vampires to looking like hypothermic goth kids all within an hour. Too funny! At least, we got a kick out of it. Naturally, we spent more time cleaning ourselves up again after the blueberry mess =] 
We ran out of time to go outside and run around this morning so we cranked some techno beats and worked on jumping up and down, break dancing, fist pumping, stomping and clapping to the beat. We’ll definitely venture outside this afternoon to practice jumping over the puddles and explore all the rain drops.
We listened to Raffis version of "The More We Get Together" while everybody sat for circle time. Then we sang days of the week and talked about it being a new month today! The kids helped us decide that today was Tuesday the 1st of March, then started singing "What’s the Weather" and told us it was cold and rainy. After that we read "Splish Splash" and "Who likes Rain?" The kids were surprisingly fascinated by all the facts we read! They loved listening to sound clips of thunder and rain, then making their own thunder storm by taking turns with the rain stick and the symbols!
Upon waking from nap the kiddos had the opportunity to paint a rain drop with glitter and blue paint. We spritzed their paintings with water when finished to create a cool effect and encouraged the kids to use their pincher grips to hold their brushes. We also had the kids try to cover as much of their rain drop as possible to work on concentration and attention span.
Hope everybody is staying warm and dry! We will see you all later!
❤ Debbie & Lauren