
Archive for March, 2010

Spring is Springing…….

March 31, 2010 Leave a comment

The weather is teetering on spring, days lighter earlier, evenings darker later… and Gavin eating everything in site.  Literally.  Tonight we caught up with a bunch of people.  First G.P. and Grandma, then Auntie Jenny and Cousin ‘Ax’, and then Grandma Wettlaufer.  Happy Birthday mom!


Those grandparents, they’ll do anything to get a giggle out of the grand kids……

Breakfast with Woodinville Fire Department #31

March 29, 2010 Leave a comment

Daph found an event going on with the Woodinville Fire Department, they were serving a pancake breakfast for the public.  So, Gav’s 2 favorite things, breakfast, and firetrucks, we had to make a showing.

It was awesome.  They had turned the entire garage into a food area, and were cooking pancakes and sausage.  Gaver just housed on the grub, staring at the fireman, and the trucks. Then, for another hour, we climbed all over the trucks, he was in heaven.  After about an hour his eyes started to glaze over, so we had to make a run for it, but it was an awesome morning.

The rest of the weekend was spent cutting grass, cleaning house, moving rooms around 🙂 and sneaking in some hockey. 



March 26, 2010 Leave a comment

Long week of work, and Gav is ready for his weekend too.  Jeff had an event in seattle, and Daph has been working the commuter shuttle service for Gav.  Yesterday we busted Gav out a little early, and got some quality time over pasta……………

Looking forward to a weekend off from work.  We managed to get some pics and videos from daycare. 


It was also Selection Sunday, with Gav making his annual picks.  You think WHO is going to win?

And we went to the Zoo last weekend, that was nice. 



March 19, 2010 Leave a comment

So we weren’t sure why Gavin all of a sudden started trying to jump everywhere at home.  Well, it turns out at Daycare they do this HILARIOUS thing where they play ‘Jump’ (Van Halen remake) and the gang goes WILD.

So today I dragged a camera in and made the request, it was AWESOME to see them explode………

New ‘Cooter’ for Gav

March 10, 2010 Leave a comment

So Gav got a new ride on the weekend, he wont let it get more than a few feet from him.  He even parks it next to his chair at the dinner table.  HE hasn’t quite got the SCooter ‘SC’ part, so its Gavin’s Cooter.  Could be worse.

Oh and at Daycare this week he has learned his hair color (yellow), his eyes (blue) and mom and dad’s names…..


March 10, 2010 Leave a comment


The Wettlaufers headed up to Vancouver for the Olympics, and had a great weekend.  Mom and Dad caught some great hockey, and Gav hung out with GP and Gramma.  Awesome weekend…….On the way Gav seemed to want to play fighter pilot, hence the ski helmet and goggles. 

The weather in Van was unreal.  Perfect sunny weather.  We went for a few walks, then down to the main core to see the cauldron, Robson square and the different venues.

We went up fro 4 days, and spent the entire time being tourists, it was a lot of fun….


This is a pic of the Media Center near the Cruise Ship docks.  It is right next to the cauldron.   

From there we headed to Granville Island to check to check out the action, and thank goodness Daph had something to carry the beer in, or Gav would have had to carry it.  Swiss House, as long as the line was, gave Gav a chance to see some bikes, which are his kryptonite.  

It’s always a highlight to see Gav and his cousin Ax.  These 2 are like little long lost brothers, the excitement they have for each other and the games they get into send everyone into fits of laughter.  There does always seem to be some interest in height comparisons, here are a few references like TV and Gate.


Then is was time to get to the hockey for date ‘day’.  Daph and I had tickets for 2 games.  The Swiss Norway Game, and the Czech Russia game. It was just amazing to go down to an actual Olympic venue and see the organization, security, and people.


We walked out after the Russia game, and strolled across the Cambie bridge.  It was a perfect sunny day – the harbor was lit with sun, and some impressive cruise ships…….

We also took the kids to the Royal Canadian Mint to see the coin collection.  We didnt want to wait in the 6 hour line up to hold an Olympic medal, the 1.5 hour line up to get in was enough!