
Archive for April, 2008

Gav’s modeling career begins with a moon, and goodbye to Pat and Ken…….

April 30, 2008 1 comment

I know its been a day since our last posting, but its been a tad hectic with visitors, combined with a lack of sleep.  Yesterday we hung out at the Knoll, and Grandparents Wettlaufer sold their trailer.  Long storey there.  Needless to say, they left today to drive back to Ontario sans 28′ Arrow.  It was amazing to see them visit over here, but after 3 months on the road, both were rather pleased to get on their way home.  We hope they get here again soon.

Today we had Gavin s(h)it for a photoshoot, we found a photographer named Carrie who came by the house to take a pile of pictures.  We will have access to those of the little guy in the next few days and needless to say we will make sure our viewers (lol) get a peak at them.  We were really pleased with her, we explored many sides of Gavin, including Backside, frontside, more backside and of course, his Best ‘Blue Steel’ pose……….. he worked the camera pretty hard, and the oohs and aahs from Carrie indicated the little guy was a natural.  After the shoot, over a soy latte and a cigarette, Gavin was quoted as saying ‘she was nice to work with, she got all my best angles’.

We had a visit from our neighbors, and Jeff gets an escape card to goto his Dunn Lumber Hockey game tonight.  Tomorrow, we are venturing into Seattle proper for a visit with Lisa and Isy Cranna, apparently she knows a nice place to get a coffee, and we are treating it as a dry run for Daphers and her car seat system.  We also hope to get mile 1 on the stroller…………….. pics will follow we promise.

Gavin meets Alexander, Grandparents, Crannas and a Curry

April 28, 2008 Leave a comment

 It was a pretty busy day yesterday, with Jeff’s parents in town, and the Crannas fresh from the Home Office.  Pat and Ken were around first thing AM for some fresh Belgian waffles, and to hang out with Gavin.  They then had to leave to get their trailer repaired, but are due back today. 

Gavin met his cousin Alexander!  We got on a webcam chat with Osler St to introduce the 2 fellas to each other.  Alex was a little dozy, prob from a huge party the night before or something, and Gavin was rather unfocused on the little video screen.  As short of an interaction as it was, it was awesome to see the 2 sisters sitting at the laptops with their boys on the webcam sessions.  It was really funny.

The Cranna trio, Lisa, Isobel, and Ian came over for some afternoon fun, and we ended up having a Thai meal take away with them.  The Cranna family continue to shift to this time zone, 8 hours behind the old world, but the youngest seems to be the most energetic at the moment.  Anywhooo, a nice afternoon slash evening with them.

Other than that, Gav was a sleeping machine, clocking something like 18 hours yesterday.  It was just super duper to see him rise and shine at 4AM………... cheers fella.  Today we are wandering to the MS campus to visit the company store, and potentially pick up Pat and Ken a mobile phone…………stay tuned.


April 26, 2008 Leave a comment

The Cranna trio landed in Seattle Friday and came over to meet Gavin, and have a cup of coffee.  They are excited to be here, and are enjoying their flat near Pikes Market.  They are off car shopping today…..

The OTHER visitor is Grandma/Grandpa Pat/Ken.  They arrived Friday and stayed for dinner.  Sat they came over and grandpa helped setup the deck furniture.  Lots going on, and lots of pics. 

Gaver also had his first pediatric visit with Dr. Chaput, and is happily gaining weight – more than expected actually – and he is already in 1 week up to over his birth weight.  Mom and Dad aren’t sure if that’s good or bad.  Gav also left Dr. Chaput his umbilical cord as a thank you gift.



Gavin 1, Parents nil……

April 24, 2008 Leave a comment

Slow day today, Gaver took it out of mom and dad, first a long night, and then a longer day.  We tried to go for a walk, but the weather turned sour, Gav didn’t fit his toque, and mom decided we should head home.  So far the stroller has .003 of a mile on it…….. all indoors 🙂 The return home was highlighted by Gav’s first blowout.  Like, this posting should be titled ‘VELOCITY’…

Well, at least someone cut and fertilized the grass. 


We are excited to see the Wettlaufer clan tomorrow, they are apparently due for their arrival, although we are not sure from what direction, at what time, or who exactly is coming :).

Oh and the Crannas have landed in Seattle, out to the colony on their posting at Starbucks HQ.  We are hoping to see them ASAP………………..






Gav and that appetite…….and where did the sleep go?

April 23, 2008 Leave a comment

So the little fella has established a bit of an appetite.  He is eating between 1 hr and 2 hours each day, but in the evenings, ie overnight, he seems to want food on the hour.  So, sleep is not something familiar to the Wettlaufers these days.  

We did get him into the basinet though, so we are on the road to a steady pattern for him.  In this video, its just a quick peak into him waking up after his afternoon nap.  He always seems to do this massive stretch when he wakes up, so I thought it would be funny to grab a quick video of it.  Its funny until the end when he starts to express his hunger ‘Gav-style’.  I usually host these on MSN Video, but they have a 100Mb limit, and this one is 103Mb :).  So, YouTube to the rescue…………….


We also got the baby monitor working, so his naps are now moving into the darker bedroom environment instead of the living room.  We hope this improves the quality of his sleep. 

Pat and Ken arrive hopefully Friday, so we are REALLY looking forward to seeing them for their introduction to the little guy……………

Anywhooo, more pics, so enjoy………

Gavin hanging out on the couch

April 22, 2008 Leave a comment

Jeff grabbed this little video of Gav hanging out on the couch and thought our friends would appreciate seeing the little guy in action.  Enjoy………

Gavin’s First Road trip… to the Doktor

April 22, 2008 Leave a comment

So with Gavin already like 6 days old it was time for a road trip.  He actually woke up this morning pumping his arm, chanting ‘road trip, road trip’.  So, the little fella was up for it.  We breakfasted, farted around, some of us literally, and then it was time for the road trip.  No wait, one of us needed to change their poopy diaper and have a nap.  So, we waited for someone:).  

Since we have been partying so hard, its been a while since baby’s had a bath.  So, the eager parents decided to give it a go.  Well, what a learning lesson that was.  Fill water in baby tub, put in baby, wash baby and dry off.  Easy right?  Yup, it was fun, but noone said it was easy……..

Anywho, finally it was time for the road trip, and the entourage kicked off the procession.  One thing new mom and new dad learned was that things dont necessarily work in clockwork efficiency like they did before the Gavmeister.  These things take careful planning, timing and logistical exercise.  On D-Day scale.  But hey, we were going like 4 miles to Evergreen for his first check up.  Mom was getting a little ‘how’s your father’ under the hood as well.  It was off to the post-traumatic post natal center for a once over. 

So, post natal lady seemed to think we were doing well, and after Gavver looked right and coughed for her, we were done.  A few tips for the Dapher’s technique and we were gonzo. The big thing dad wanted, besides some free samples, was to hear his weight report.  Yup, his weight is up as expected, hes now at 8lbs 2oz.  WOOHOO, the burgers and fries are working.

So, from there, we decided to go home instead of using the Mulberry harbor amount of invasion gear we had piled in back because one of us forgot his hat.  That turned into a ‘lets just do it tomorrow ‘ discussion, so we hung.  Well, Jeff went looking for some kitchen cabinet drawer hardware, and to pick up the baby shower gifts he had been given from his office mates, while mom held the fort.  Wow, what a deal!  The Team Jeff works with had planned a surprise baby shower, only to have it all for nought when Gav arrived early.  So, cake was missed by dad to be, but the mountain of gifts made up for it!  These guys went WAY beyond expectations in their best wishes and gifts (thank you! )…… Everything they wrapped was something we needed, especially the little overalls with GAVIN embroidered on the front!

So, dinner, some Cappy special pasta sauce, and it was pretty much bed time.  Thanks to everyone for their blog comments and well wishes, Gav-er reads every email.  Honestly, he even replies, thank god for spell check.  He already knows Shift-F7.

Sleep pop, empty pipes mom and 1 punch drunk gaver, out.              

Sunday, Safeway and Gav initiates Daphers….

April 20, 2008 Leave a comment

Well, they survived another night, it was actually a lovely evening last night with the little fella taking a 4 hour ‘nap’ at the same time Daph did.  Pops caught 2 great hockey games, with Gavers asleep on his chest.  Nothing better……

Thanks to some food brought by the Huttons, dinner was stress free (you guys ROCK).  We both got some more sleep last night than to date, so even though a few feedings happened, we managed to get some rest.  Amazing how some sleep can clear your head out. 

  This AM they got up and going, actually had a really nice AM.  Smoothies, some of ‘Jo-Jo Hutton’s banana bread (note to Jo – we gotta start selling that stuff through that Google machine, its too good to be free 🙂 ) .  So, the morning proceeded actually quite normally, they even mnaged a video webcam call with Osler st Grand Pere and El.  Then, it happened……….. 

Jeff decided to run to Safeway to grab some things.  Nothing major but the idea of smoothies and waffles seemed to tweak all 3 on the team in a good way.  So, off he blasted to the store.  Shouldnt be long mom, just sit there and keep feeding the big guy, I’ll be right back.

Into the rig, and as dad backed out, he thought its only a Safeway run, thats like what, 15 minutes?  Sweet, that’s like the time it it takes to have three fingers of Glenlivet, with a little bit of pepper.

So, mom was left feeding Gaver, and got that done with pretty much no problems.  Then, she heard it.  Sort of like a subtle thunder clap, muffled by several layers of cotton, as heard through a snorkel.  So, no sweat, lets git er done and change it up.  Mom was a little new to the changing thing (this was going to be her first) , and somehow Gav knew this.  Kind of like how wild animals smell your fear, Gavin smelled moms hesitation.  All the while though mom was smelling the work Gaver had laid down.  It’s a formidable scent… It stings the nostrils. In a good way (come on Boon, name the flick, top marks if you can point out the other quote in this entry 🙂 ).

So, up she goes to the changing station, and proceeds through the swapper-oo.  Diaper 1, off, wiped, lathered, no problem.  Clothing swapped, job done.  Wow, what was dad gloating about so much, this isnt that hard.  Then, Gav saw his opening, she had let her guard down, and he struck.  A 2 part offence, first the audible call at the line, with a buffer of thunder.  Again, the muffled snorkel noise bounces off the station, dropping mom in her victory dance.  Gav, now clearly on offence, smiling as mom realizes she needs to get a complete reactionary change done, as everything was now replacement value.  So, off the kit goes, and as mom reaches for the alternative away strip, Gaver’s lets fly the ‘Boise-State-flea-flicker’.  Arcing over himself, part of mom, and landing squarely ‘everywhere’ the Gavinator lets fly a superior bud lite 6 pack arc of shall we call it ‘liquid’.  Mom, too battered by the 1st 2 waves of assault, freezes with horror, not knowing what to do first –  wipe, save Gav from his own demise,  or flee.  The battle report suggest she went with option 3.

So dad arrives home, excited to hopefully see nothing has happened, and there is an eerie calm in the air.  It was similar to napalm smoke, but more fruity.  Mom was now in the library, resting in a chair with Gaver, who was in a suspicious new outfit than 15 minutes ago.  Mom had some shell shock to her face, as she tried to retell the story.  Dad was laughing to hard to actually take it in.

Gav was just sitting there swaddled, but was holding out a high five, as in saying ‘pops don’t leave me hanging, I just got mom bigtime’……….

High five returned, all are now resting. 

Wett out.

Gavin Arrives Home……

April 19, 2008 Leave a comment

We checked out of the hospital last night around 8pm.  We had planned to be a tad earlier, but the little fella decided to get fed, again, 2x. 

So, we hung out and watched some Stanley Cup Playoffs while he got his fill.  Here is a video of his arrival home.  The little blanket resting on top of him was used by Daph when SHE came home, so that was pretty special………

So we got him home and into the house, it was definitely a change for him, his eyes were racing around looking at things.  We did a quick feed (again) and then it was bedtime.  Well, time to go sit in bed, and keep feeding.



Anyway, we survived another night (Jeff had to toast the arrival with a quick pint of Guinness) , and have had a great start to the AM, Daphers is feeding as I upload this, and later we may say hello to the neighbors.

We finally got hold of Pat and Ken, they are totally jazzed about the news, and we also spoke to Lara and Steve.  Tom actually answered the phone and said congratulations!  We cant wait for little Tom and Ally to meet their new cousin.

Anywho, need to get going, but check out the video of Gav arriving home last night, quite possibly the most stressful 4 miles Jeff has ever driven.

More pics as well………………


Happy Birth day +2, and Gavin meets ‘the Internet’………

April 18, 2008 Leave a comment

Well we survived another night, (long) and often called the ‘marathon’ night as baby is past the birth day and has woken up to how much food they like!  So lil’ Gav was hooked up to mom for a long time, which has taken a toll on her.

Last night Cappy came by to hang out, and see everyone.  So amazing, exciting, uplifting to see a familiar face.   Well he also came bearing gifts, pizza and beer :).  So we hung out and chatted for a while as Gav fed fed fed.  So, all 3 Huttons made it to the hospital to meet Gav, which was just fantastic.

This AM Jeff blasted home to grab some things for Daph, as well as a much needed Starbucks run for both.  We all went to a class this AM, to learn about little things for little people.  Bathing, etc all covered. 

We are planning to go home later today, Daph had a major power nap while Dad  and Gav toured the Wettlaufer  friends lists on MSN IM, Communicator and Skype, having an IM Video call with Grandma El, Jeff’s work colleague Leslie, a quick telephone call with the Crannas as they ran into a pub in London (they are moving to Seattle next Thursday 24th!!).  Finally we had an awesome Skype video call with Barry and Lisa .  Lisa, its probably for the best that you put that high chair together yourself, I have seen Baso with a screwdriver :).  And to confirm my answer in the call, yes Barry, the webcam does add 5 lbs to the ears.

Isnt it just amazing that right here in the hospital lounge we can have direct voice and video calls with significant people in our lives all over the world.  You gotta love these internets.

Wouldn’t be a post without some pics.


The Baby Burrito

April 17, 2008 Leave a comment

  Well as we pass through the first 24 hours, Gavin is definitely becoming more aware of his surroundings, and has dropped right into a regular 2 hour feeding cycle.  Boy what a hungry little guy.  We had a pretty restless night, with both of us managing hardly any sleep, and poor little Gavin trying to figure out who turned off the lights.  We had Rob and El bomb down from Vancouver for a few hours to introduce themselves, but they went home last night.  Judging from the email this AM from El they made it back across the border with no issues.

Today has been great, all 3 somewhat tired, but managing to stay fed and watered.   The swaddle effect has tremendous influence on Gavin, as everything you read, are told etc says they love this position.  So, Jeff has mastered the art of the Gavin double bean extra guac burrito and swaddling may just land on his CV this summer.  

Mom is recovering beautifully, catching some Z’s when she can, and has learned the feeding routine.  The hospital has been amazing with it’s tests, hearing, Hep-B, weight, lactate have all been great chats.

Jeff caught up this AM on the rounds of email responses that have come back from around the world, thanks to everyone that has kicked us a note.  We have enjoyed reading them out loud every single one.  New Zealand (Mark Tanner), Cousin Kelly (SMS from Oz), massive numbers from the UK crowd, as well as a headline posting on our rowing Club website, Vesta RC.  All across Canada, and the US as well, both work colleagues and family wishing Mom and Gavin well.  Thanks everyone, we promise to keep cranking the pics out.  Barry, Lisa and Aoife Clarke – some of our great friends in Putney (even though they are Irish 🙂 ) had a great speaker phone chat today, Baso has already proposed an arranged marriage due to the ‘good stock’ he sees for Aoife.  The thought of ‘Uncle Baso’ just seems hilarious. (Baso I got the same camera you have, the Lumix, it is fantastic)  Oh, and we are happy to hear that Al made it to work in the Isle of Mann on his motorcycle after waking up, seeing the email news and opening a bottle of Champers, of which he had to drink himself due to his wife George being well along her own pregnancy!  Well done Albert……….

Dr. Chaput dropped by to ‘check Gavin’s heart’ but Mom and Dad saw through that thinly veiled excise to hold him for a few moments.  A welcome visit, Dr. Chaput’s humor and witty banter are always enjoyed (see you in 7-10 days doc).  We traded a hold of Gav for a quick pic with his new pediatrician. 

We spoke to Daph’s sister Jen, today is her Birthday – Mark and Jen are in T.O visiting Marks family there.  Jen was pleasantly surprised to hear Gav didn’t land on her birthday! (he was 1 day early).  Happy BDay Jen!

So we are hoping the Hutton trio are going to visit this afternoon, but count on more pics to come regardless.  We have had some question on his official stats, so here is the back of Gavin’s rookie card.


Gavin Andrew Wettlaufer



Birth Weight

8lbs, 7oz (3.82718562 Kg)

Birth Length

21.5" (55cm)


It also might be worth mentioning the funny storey about Gavin’s feet.  When he was born, they took his feet and pressed them against some stickers to get an impression.  The stickers were in a row of 4, and his feet are so long they actually stretched onto the next sticker.  See photo evidence below.

And Baby makes three……

April 16, 2008 Leave a comment

We are really excited today to announce the arrival of our first child, Gavin Andrew Wettlaufer.  Gavin arrived today in  Kirkland at the Evergreen hospital at 4:11pm weighing 8lbs 7oz.  A healthy baby boy little Gavin is doing amazing.  Mom is resting after a long but really well managed 40 weeks, and was not available for comment at press time.

Be sure to stay tuned to our blog as Gavin gets his feet underneath them, and we begin this new chapter in our lives.

Kind Regards

April 12th/13th Weekend

April 14, 2008 Leave a comment

As we head into the final stretch thought it was time to give another update on the belly progress. Black is so slimming…


Saturday was a fantastic day weather-wise (75F/24C) so we really wanted to enjoy it. Jeff did a bunch of yard work and then we joined Chris, Kim, Maddie and Kristen for a walk along the river. Ended up doing over 3 miles which, looking back, wasn’t entirely sensible as it was pretty warm. Daphne has a whole new appreciation for people who are pregnant during the summer months.


Sunday we had a bit of a slow start. Then Daphne did some organization in Fiona’s room and had a day of R&R. Jeff helped Heath out with his patio furniture (we can’t wait to try it out as the weather improves!) and put knobs on all the cabinet doors. They look like they should have always been there although it will take some "retraining" to get comfortable using them!

Baby Shower

April 6, 2008 Leave a comment

Kim Hutton hosted a fantastic baby shower for Daphne (and Fiona) on March 29th. El and Rob headed down for the weekend so that Grandma-to-be could attend and Jen Boon made the road trip in a day! It was such a nice event with fantastic food and fun games. Kim and Tina (Kim’s mom) really outdid themselves with all the prep. Very Martha!  Fiona got lots of great gifts.